Monthly Subscription Boxes are ALL the RAGE right now!
There is the Faith Box, Bark Box, Ipsy Box, Birchbox, Dollar Shave Club, Graze Box...and so many more!
Let me tell you about the BEST box EVER!!! THE YOUNG LIVING BOX!!
Yes, that's right, YL has a monthly BOX just for you!!!
Young Living isn't just about oils. It's about a lifestyle, a better way of life!
It's about going green and removing all the products that contain synthetic ingredients from your home which can damage your health. You start by replacing them with Young Living's all natural, synthetic FREE, oil infused products each month. You can also purchase specific Young Living Essential Oils to make your own DIY products with the endless recipes available Online, in Books, and directly from Young Living.

There are so many great Young Living products to choose from; Thieves Household Cleaner which can replace pretty much every cleaner in your home, Thieves concentrated laundry soap, Thieves veggie wash, Thieves hand purifier, Thieves Spray, Thieves foaming hand soaps, a variety of different bar soaps, oil-infused personal care products like shower gel, shampoo, lotions, deodorants, mouthwash, toothpastes, ...as well as a full oil-infused line of skincare products, oil infused nutritional supplements, and our most popular product - Ningxia Red - a powerful antioxidant drink packed with whole superfoods that supports overall wellness.
Toss the conventional synthetic room sprays & air fresheners as well as scented candles & waxes which can cause so many health issues. Instead try to make your own all natural sprays and fill your home with the pleasing scents of Young Living's beneficial therapeutic oils using one of the four purifying & humidifying ultrasonic diffusers! Say NO to synthetic, cancer causing, endocrine disrupting ingredients that can cause respiratory issues, skin conditions, and headaches! Make the switch to GREEN your home, your health & wellness depends on it!
The YL Box allows you to participate in this very generous rewards program for a minimum of 50PV (usually equal to $50) each month. You SELECT YOUR own CONTENTS of your box each month! You select the shipment date each month. AND best of all, you earn POINTS on every dollar you spend (10-25% of the PV) with each Box & they REWARD you with FREE gifts the longer you stay on it!

Those points can be used like credit on future purchases, all you pay is the shipping & you get FREE YL products! The percentage you earn back in points INCREASES with your loyalty. I currently earn 25% of the PV on everything I get in my Box!!! $25 bucks back in points on every $100 I spend!!! WOW!!!
Each month you can also qualify for Young Living's monthly FREE GIFTS with purchase. When you make a qualifying purchase of 100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV, 300 PV, and sometimes even more tiers like 400 PV or 500 PV, YL will fill your Box with even more GOODIES, some of which you can ONLY get if you are a Loyalty Rewards member (LR exclusive bonus).
Everyone gets REWARDED for being LOYAL: at 2 months you can get a FREE Desert Mist Diffuser, and at their 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, & Yearly Oily Anniversary from when they originally started ordering monthly with Loyalty Rewards!
Young Living calls this monthly Box program "Loyalty Rewards", formerly known as Essential Rewards (ER). This is the BEST BOX ever!!!
Need help setting up your monthly YL box? Contact me or follow the directions below.

DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT YET? To set up a LOYALTY ORDER or to place a ONE-TIME ORDER click below👇🏻
Be Oily, Be Blessed, Be Well💗 (Contact Me for more info)