Why join Young Living as a Customer?
There are many reasons to become a Young Living Customer. Maybe you want to eliminate all the synthetic chemicals in your home that can cause health problems, or you want to make your own all-natural safe and effective personal care and household cleaning products to save money, how about just to enjoy the calming & relaxing benefits that essential oils offer and to support your health and wellness naturally, or you might be interested in the income opportunity Young Living has to offer and you would like to help supplement or make a full time income. Whatever the reason is, the benefits are sure to be GREAT!
What are the benefits?
Young Living Customers enjoy perks such as:
•24% off of retail prices everyday, access to Starter Kits and exclusive member deals
•Reduced shipping on products
•Community that offers support
•Education opportunities
•Exclusive Experiences (visit YL Farms and attend YL Events)
•Eligibility to participate in Young Living's monthly Loyalty Rewards Program
•The opportunity to participate in Young Living's generous compensation plan when you become a Brand Partner
Becoming a Young Living Customer is somewhat like signing up for a Sam’s Club or Costco Membership, only BETTER, you get THE BEST OILS IN THE WORLD! Products are shipped directly to you from the Young Living Warehouse! There is no middleman. To remain active and maintain your membership you are only REQUIRED to place ONE 100PV order per YEAR (PV is ‘Point's Value’ and 1 PV is generally equal to one dollar), OR SUBSCRIBE to 1 or more items. As long as you have 1 item on Subscribe To Save you wil get the 24% discount! That’s it, no hidden monthly fees!
Young Living is a product driven company which is unusual in today’s market. The majority of Young Living Customers (92%) just want to enjoy using the products, a very small percent (only 8%) decide to do the business side which speaks volumes about their quality. I am confident if you use Young Living essential oils & oil infused products, you WILL fall in L❣VE with them and want more!😊

For More Information on how to order and get a 24% DISCOUNT please go HERE.
Be Oily, Be Blessed, Be Well ♥ Contact us with questions or for more information.