Did you know that Young Living products such as essential oils, Einkorn wheat, & NingXia Wolfberries can come from any one of their three types of suppliers? Young Living's 3 different types of suppliers include: Corporate-owned farms, Partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers. While each supplier is different, each has one thing in common: an unyielding commitment to Seed to Seal. The Corporate-owned farms, Partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers are on every continent of the globe except for Antarctica! It's kind of hard to grow things in frozen tundra LOL.
Whether a product comes from a corporate-owned farm, a Partner farm or a Seed to Seal-certified supplier, you can be confident that it was produced with identical quality standards, backed by rigorous laboratory testing (learn more about YL's extensive testing HERE) and signed quality agreements. So if these three kinds of suppliers offer identical quality, how are they different? Well, let’s take a look.
Corporate-Owned Farms Corporate farms are fully owned by Young Living. It is at these farms that Young Living first established their signature quality standards, and it is to these farms that their other suppliers look for the gold standard of essential oil quality, authenticity, and sustainability. Many of their corporate-owned farms are also home to research efforts, including everything from exploring new botanicals to building an in-depth quality testing data library. Partner Farms Young Living also partners with growers around the world to maintain the authenticity of local cultures and communities. In these partnerships, their experts give growers customized, hands-on training in each aspect of Seed to Seal. They also support local growers through our Seed to Seal Grant Program, which offers funding to help expand operations, develop new programs, and more—all helping to ensure that local farmers are fully equipped to make their mark by producing the highest-quality essential oils in the world.
Seed to Seal-Certified Suppliers Much in the same way they’ve spent decades developing deep relationships with their partner farms, they’ve also worked hard to develop strong relationships with their Seed to Seal-certified suppliers. Their extensive network of carefully vetted, regularly audited sources helps ensure a more stable, adaptable supply of member-favorite products as the global Young Living family grows. Young Living is proud to offer pure products from a diverse supply chain that is tirelessly committed to quality. Below are graphics of a few of Young Living's farms that are on each continent of the globe!

Learn more about all 17+ Young Living Farms and counting at YLFarms. Young Living has pledged to develop 5 or more corporate-owned or partner farms every year so Young Living Members can ensure a steady supply of their beloved essential oils that exceeds the industry standards!
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