I'm known for carrying the whole Premium Starter Bundle in my purse. No Joke! So, after carrying everything but the kitchen sink around I had to downsize it considerably due to shoulder issues from too much strain. This also meant I had to downsize my oils😕 so I got a little creative and made a roller blend that had multipurpose uses to lighten my load yet I could still carry oils to make me happy!
I came up with a blend of Lavender, Frankincense, and Peppermint that is becoming one of my FAVORITES for, well just about Er'thing! Lol🤣 What I love most about this blend is that all of these oils can be found right in the Premium Starter Kit! So, what do I use it for? I've been rubbing it on my neck & back after a long day, on my legs and thighs where they need a little love after a long day of walking or bumping into things, and I love to put it on my temples after I've had a crazy day! I've even rubbed it on my arms and legs when I forgot to put some lotion on before I left the house. Frankincense and Lavender are especially beneficial for maintaining the appearance of healthy looking skin. This blend is so relaxing & smells so good! It not only helps you relax and makes you feel great but, it helps lift your mood too! Hey its got FRANK & Lavender♥️

I love that I can mix it up and keep it in my purse to take along with me wherever I go for pretty much anything and everything. Google all the things these 3 AMAZING oils can do for you and you'll see why!😉 I made myself one in an old 5ml bottle with an aroma fitment attachment (as pictured in graphic above) and just reduced the amount of EOS and carrier oil in the recipe below. This also makes a great gift! I whipped one together for my youngest son's teacher for part of her end of the school year gift. For the gift I used a 10 ML roller bottle from LSP and printed off a label using Avery.com labels and the free software online.

In a 10ml roller bottle add:
10 drops Peppermint
10 drops Lavender
5 drops Frankincense (Love Frank♥️)
Top off with a carrier oil like V-6 or FCO.
Don't have Oils yet?
We can help you and get you all hooked up with tons of resources and tools! Go HERE and grab a Bundle to get started. Be Oily, Be Blessed, Be Well💕