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Did you know you can create a completely FREE account with Young Living?

Yup! You can and there are no obligations, no commitments. You can order whenever you choose to and you'll have access to our community resources to start learning all the things as well as me to help guide you!

To create your own account just go to YOUNGLIVING.COM then, follow the steps below. STEPS TO CREATE YOUR YL ACCOUNT: 1. Towards the bottom of the screen click the CREATE ACCOUNT button 2. Choose your country + language 3. Create your Account (You will use your username + password to log in in the future so make sure to write it down somewhere safe.) 4. Make sure this number: 2166582 is in the referral ID box 5. Check both boxes to agree to the TERMS OF SERVICE + PRIVACY POLICY. Then, Click the CREATE ACCOUNT button.

Congrats.... You're doneand ready to shop when ever you choose with your log in info.

After you make your free account you will receive a series of Welcome emails from Young Living to enhance your wellness journey. These emails will provide you with DIY's, powerful testimonies, and fascinating essential oil facts showing you the benefits of incorporating essential oils into your daily life.

You will also receive at least 1 email per month from our Oily Community which will give you access to our resources, classes and private Facebook groups. Please contact me so we can connect and get you added to those groups!


When you're ready to place an order you can SAVE and additonal 10% OFF your total order by using my friends and family discount code at checkout! Just enter code "SHAREYL" in the designated box and continue with the checkout process.


The first 3 ways to order will get you a 24% Discount off retail on your purchases.

1. The first way to qualify for a 24% discount is to order of any PV (product value) amount on Loyalty Rewards. This will unlock the 24% discount as long as you remain on the program. To earn points an order needs to be a 50 PV+ order. Learn about Loyalty Rewards HERE.

2. Don’t want to do a Loyalty Rewards order?

The second way to qualify for a 24% discount is to purchase a minimum of 100 PV to qualify for the 24% discount for one full year. You can customize your wellness box to fit your needs. If you need help deciding just reach out. I'd be happy to help you! Click —HERE— to contact me, Carrie.

3. Order any Starter Bundle, Make a Shift Kit (easy button) or Seasonal Bundle... just make sure what you order is at least 100PV to qualify for the 24% discount for one full year. Check all the bundles —HERE—.

4. Order products and pay retail using MY REFERRAL LINK and still get help and support from me.

Click the image below to get started. It's that easy to start making changes for the better! Here's to the begining of a happy healthy life💗

Need help figuring our what to get or how to create your account? Use the Let's Chat feature or shoot me an emailCONTACT

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